Haiku Challenge: Foul & Sweet

I mentioned in an earlier post about how much I enjoy not only reading and interacting on other blogs but also how much I enjoy learning so many diverse things. Recently, as I’ve started writing haiku again, I’ve learned there is a lot more to them than just the 5-7-5 meter if one wants to attempt to write one “right”. For instance, in reading a post from Ronovan Writes today, I learned how the first and second lines should form a sentence and the second and third lines should also, along with a few other guidelines; you can read them all yourself by clicking on the link at the beginning of this sentence. (If you’re interested, you can also read the brief exchange Ronovan and I had in the comments section of his post about the “rules”.)

With my newfound knowledge in “brain”, I decided to take a swing at his challenge this week (using the words “foul” and “sweet”) implementing said knowledge with the attempt of producing a more “correct” haiku but one I still liked. This is the fruit of my labor:

Tender and sweet is
The scent of a newborn child
Turns foul with a grunt

I just had to have a little fun with this one!

While I probably won’t stay with using all the proper structures in all my future pieces, I did find it fun to incorporate them today. The extra guidelines made the simple poem a bit more challenging to write, which I enjoyed. And doing it the “way it was intended” to be done was kind of fulfilling in itself, being true to the art and science, if you will, of the poem. 


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