Busy Week 

This past week has been a busy one, almost a blur to be honest. I have so many emails, tweets, comments and other communications to respond to (or just read) that I feel almost overwhelmed by the task – which is making me procrastinate getting started on them! LOL

As some of you know, my brother in law suffered a major heart attack last week. He had to undergo emergency surgery and then, a few days later, have quintuple bypass surgery and his carotid artery cleared out. He is doing better than expected now, a few hours after the procedures, and the doctor had thought he would do okay to start with. Needless to say, we are very thankful for the power of prayer and God answering our many intercessions and providing a good result, working through people He has gifted talented hands and skills to. 

While this was our main concern and consumer of time and effort this week, there are other comparably mundane items that have worn away at us – perhaps me, more specifically – that aren’t worth mentioning, really. It’s sufficient to say I’m behind on everything and exhausted. 

This week I found that the prompt words from both Ronovan and Haiku Horizons fit well not only together but with my week. So, I took the liberty of combining them to compose this haiku:

my mind is silent

calm from all the busyness

soon turns boisterous

I hope the calmness abounds for a little while; I most assuredly need it! In the meantime, while I await word on my brother in laws condition, I hope to start sifting through some of the many things I’ve fallen behind on, Lord willing and the body stops aching. 

Blessings to you all. 


  1. I’m glad to hear things are going well for your brother in law–God is indeed GOOD, and Faithful. I empathize with your aching body, and the whole getting behind/procrastination deal–so I’m praying for you a good rest, and ease of pain. God bless you and your family.

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  2. Hope your brother in law is well on the way to recovery and that you are not too stressed. Well done for still finding the time to join in the haiku. Poetry can be therapeutic at times of stress.

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