Small: a trimeric #poem

As I was browsing my blog feed this evening my interest was peaked by a prompt I saw; the word is small for this prompt from A Prompt Each Day. I immediately had an idea for this word and began to type away, planning to compose a haiku about my thought. Well, my thought was to big -ironic, I know – for a haiku so I write a trimeric poem instead.

from high above an acorn falls
finding a resting place
in a small crack in the ground
its roots soon will reach deeply down

finding a resting place
in the cool shade
a smile envelopes my face

in a small crack in the ground
my keys slip from my pocket
where they’ll never be found

its roots soon will reach deeply down
taking my keys far below
where man will never go

For those not familiar with this style of poetry I include the following information:

Trimeric \tri-(meh)-rik\ n: a four stanza poem in which the first stanza has four lines and the last three stanzas have three lines each, with the first line of each repeating the respective line of the first stanza.

The sequence of lines, then, is

abcd, b – -, c – -, d – -.


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