The Rocking Chair #OctPoWriMo #poetry

Today I continue with day 2 of 31 days/31 poems for OctPoWriMo. The prompt suggestion for today was to take a scene from a movie and compose a poem; you can read the details HERE if you’d like.

Well, a particular scene from a particular movie immediately popped into my head. But I thought surely there must be a better scene/movie to use as my subject so I pondered upon it all morning. When the initial idea wouldn’t leave – and started writing itself in my head – I gave in and went with it.

I headed to my “thinking spot” (on my screened in deck) with pipe and coffee to put together the poem. I immediately decided to use the trimeric form and, after some wordsmithing, I finally had my poem, inspired by the closing scene from The Sons of Katie Elder

The old rocking chair
set into motion by his burly hand
void of anything but memories
as it silently moves

set into motion by his burly hand
many events he’d rather not have
to wear on his soul

void of anything but memories
hope now rekindled inside
learning about Kate

as it silently moves
this newfound hope whispers
maybe he can be the man she portrayed

And today was much better than yesterday for creative thinking, if you read yesterday’s post; the rain drove the racket away. 🙂

Trimeric \tri-(meh)-rik\ n: a four stanza poem in which the first stanza has four lines and the last three stanzas have three lines each, with the first line of each repeating the respective line of the first stanza.

The sequence of lines, then, is

abcd, b – -, c – -, d – -.


      1. Oh, you were exactly right! I must’ve fouled up my copy/pasting when I was wordsmithing my syllable check. I’m glad you let me know!


      1. I love a lot of westerns, but I never became a big fan of the Duke. One of the cable channels is running the old “Man From Shenandoah” program–with Robert Horton/”Flint McCullough”, of “Wagon Train” fame. So I checked to see how old the drool-worthy “Flint” is–91!!!!!! When did we all get OLD??

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I hear ya! A few summers ago at church camp I was talking with the wife of the minister I was working with that week when she came up and I realized she was within months of my daughters age (younger I think); talk about feeling OLD quick! 😦 LOL


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