
Most of the “About” me is on this page.

I do enjoy, among other things (which may not be mentioned on that page), photography, writing, restoring old tobacco pipes, general “tinkering”, and spending time with my family. I also enjoy reading and studying God’s Word, serving Him in His calling me to the ministry. I was officially ordained on Thanksgiving Day 2015, truly a thanks-filled day. 

I’m disabled – since 1999 – due to complications from Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES), which has taken the use of most of my legs and left me with the need for braces on both legs and a cane to walk; but I’m not complaining since I can still walk. I see CES as just another (very large) pothole in my road.


      1. I am. And Happy Independence Day to you, too.

        Also, thank you for the other comments and likes I missed earlier 🙂


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