Diabetes Links and Resources

I thought is might be helpful to compile a list of links, books, and other resources that I have found helpful in my quest to learn more about my disease and how I can manage it. Unless otherwise noted, I do not endorse any product or service that is sold or advertised on any of these links. I am also not a doctor or medial professional I’m a diabetic who is working toward learning to manage the disease in the nest way and by the best means for me; you will have to find what works best for you, as this disease is a very “personal” one, in that what works well for one diabetic may not work well or at all for another. All that being said, I hope you find some help and/or guidance these resources (and maybe some inspiration in general with this blog).



Online Communities and Forums

I plan to add to this page as time allows and as I “discover” new and helpful information/sites.

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