Give Up: a haiku/haibun

Today I sold my “butt rug”, a sheepskin seat cover I used on my motorcycle seat that provided cool air in the heat and warm insulation in the cold. I had no use for it anymore: we sold the bikes three years ago now I reckon – my how time flies.

If you’d have asked me, oh, six years ago if we’d ever be off the bikes I’d have said no, Lord willing, barring an injury or some thing like that. It never entered my mind that very soon our lives would change so dramatically – and so quickly. There’s not a lot of time for riding when you are tending to a child, now 6-years old but merely a toddler then. Who knew that becoming grandparents would be such a life altering event. So, the bikes had to go. I think we made a mighty fine trade.  

 Sheepskin seat cover or

Sheepskin seat cover or “butt rug”

looking forward we
can’t see what the future holds
or what we’ll give up

Linked to Ronovan Writes weekly haiku prompt. 


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